
Kirsty has worked extensively in North East Wales and Cheshire West and Chester, a city of internationally renowned heritage importance, with its own complexities and significance. She has worked on a variety of complex projects, including the Northgate regeneration proposals, Storyhouse, The Carriage Shed, The Shot Tower (all Chester) and Burton Manor restoration and enabling development (all as part of Cheshire West and Chester Council).

Writing heritage impact assessments is a core part of Kirsty’s work. She has written Heritage Impact Assessments for development proposals in highly sensitive areas such as Portmeirion, Gwynedd, World Heritage Sites and buffer zones, Registered Historic Park and Gardens, conservation areas, and for development affecting listed buildings and their wider settings.

Kirsty has also written conservation area appraisals, conservation area management plans, development briefs for complex sites, planning policies, key views policy briefing paper for Chester and supplementary planning guidance.