What we do
We have a multi-disciplinary approach to conservation and design. Understanding significance of historic heritage assets is a fundamental part of our work.
Working in conservation and planning in local government and in private practice for nearly 30 years has created long lasting and respected relationships with local government officers and the private sector. Our depth of knowledge of conservation planning comes from this experience.
We advise contacting us early in the development process to help clients and local authorities provide the best outcome for development affecting heritage assets.
Passionate about people, places, planning and property in the historic environment.
- Heritage Impact Assessments
- Statements of Significance
- Strategic planning
- Conservation Area Appraisals
- Capacity building
- Planning Appeals
- Expert Witness
- Assessing heritage assets and their setting to explore ways in which heritage can best contribute to sustainable place-shaping
A Heritage Impact Assessment is required for most applications affecting heritage assets and forms part of key evidence for evaluating proposed changes to a heritage asset.
Heritage Impact Assessments are a legal requirement in Wales for Listed Building Consent and Conservation Area Consent applications and are usually required for development affecting heritage assets.
In England, assessing significance is a core part of the NPPF policies and Heritage Impact Assessments are an important requirement for development proposals. In some local authorities, it is a policy requirement to submit a Heritage Impact Assessment for certain types of development.
We undertake capacity building work for local planning authorities